
The Past 4 Months or So...

Yeah, yeah, we know we haven't updated the blog since July. Now in a bold attempt we'll try and get everyone caught up on everything that has happened since our last post.
Teddy Olsen was born.
Meri turned 31.
Bodhi turned two.
We finally started telling people that we're pregnant.

Mike turned 33.

We went to San Diego for vacay.

Hud and Maeve had a shower.

Stelltoid went to see NKOTB in AC w/ Hud, Abbey, and F'n Newbs.
Norm turned 40.

We celebrated Janel's 30th.

We got all dressed up for the Lone Sailor Awards with Brandon and Elizabeth. (Note baby bump making a black tie appearance.)

We found out it's a girl!!!

Meri headed to the OBX for a mini-vacay with the Stelling/Lettieri clan.

Chris and Rosie got married.

We celebrated our first anniversary.

We ate Nepali food to send Annie, Ben, and Maxine off to Ethiopia.
See, really not that much has happened since we last reported. We'll try to do better.

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