The annual paintball trip seems to be gaining popularity every year and is finally getting closer to achieving some gender balance.
This year there was also more of a family touch as Matthew made the trip out with Janel's brothers. Nothing like familial bonding over paintball welts.
While Mike and friends were paintballing each other, Meri was up in Jersey making sure her gimp of a sister was taking it easy after knee surgery and visiting w/ Hud and her new baby Maeve. Meri's attempt to keep Mandy on the couch was an abysmal failure, that woman doesn't know how to sit still.

In a shocking departure from her type-A addiction to work, Meri decided to take a day off and spent Monday relaxing at Mom and Dad's house with Bodhi, Indy, and Tootsie. The Stelling/Lettieri/Manella crew made quite a stir in the WB by taking a 3 person, 1 toddler, 2 dog walk around the neighborhood. Good times.